Modernize Change Management in your Windows™ Application Estate

The end user workspace is constantly evolving, creating opportunities for greater productivity, while mitigating potential risks in security and user downtime. Rimo3 provides actionable intelligence for strategic planning and automates complex manual processes in the enterprise. Our goal? To help modernize management from migration to daily maintenance. 

Find out how Rimo3 can help your modernization and migration.

Automate Management and Modernize Critical Windows Infrastructure

Rimo3 is a comprehensive, cloud-hosted solution for modernizing and maintaining your Windows™ application estate. The Rimo3 platform automates the entire modernization process, eliminating the need for scripting or complex configuration. Rimo3 integrates with industry-leading solutions and uses your unique infrastructure configurations for testing, modernization, and migration. 

  • Automate long-term management and integrate with ITIL processes   
  • Drive performance and cost savings at production scale 
  • Modernize application packages to industry leading formats 
  • Assess application readiness against your custom configurations 

Automate Discovery and Migration from Legacy to Modern Management

Rimo3 automatically imports enterprise metadata from storage repositories like SCCM, eliminating the need for custom scripting and manual package transfers. After import, applications are discovered and analyzed for their suitability for migration and capturing package customizations. To complete the migration process, Rimo3 facilitates automatic export of the entire application estate to modern management planes.  

  • Automated discovery from legacy metadata  
  • Fully automated packaging import  
  • Export to modern management planes like Intune, WPM, and Nerdio Manager for Enterprise 

Modernize Application Packages to Industry Leading Formats

  • Rimo3 determines application suitability for modern package formats like MSIX, App Volumes, and FlexApp One. It then automatically converts applications to modern formats. The platform captures and converts suitable applications using best practices and vendor-supported tooling.  

    • Automatically retest modernized packages against target configuration
    • Migrate, re-package, and test in one step
    • Use comprehensive video and text logs to quickly identify remediation issues

Rapidly Assess Application Suitability for Migrations and Ongoing Updates

Rimo3 pioneered Intelligent Smoke Testing, a patented process that allows Windows applications to be tested with no scripting or configuration. Easily import application installation packages via a simple onboarding dashboard. Test against key performance and compatibility metrics critical to your organization’s unique image configurations. 

  • Test 95% faster than traditional methods   
  • Fully automated and unattended
  • Maintain secure and evergreen workspaces


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